A current list of important contacts is in the entry hallway. As of December 2019, these emergency numbers were listed there:
- Police Civil Service: 030/ 466 433 3700
- Police Emergency: 110
- Fire Emergency: 112
- Berlin Waterworks: 0800/ 292 75 87
- Vatenfall (electrical service): 0830/ 657 988 000
In case of building damage
- Electro-mechanical: Fa. MR Reschke 0170/ 26 41 540
- Heating/Warm water: Fa. Walko 0151/ 15 14 36 94
- Sanitary/Pipe blockages: Fa. Walko: 0151/ 15 14 36 94
- Elevators: Fa. Schindler 0800/ 866 11 00
(PetersburgerStr elevator number: 10772792)
Building Management
- Hausmeister: Herr Wilzow 030 818 686 98 / Mobil 01522 153 89 94
- House cleaning: Hausreinigung Beganovic Mobil 0176 325 15182
- House Electrician and Door Systems: +49 170 264 1540
Elevators: Fa. Schindler 0800/ 866 11 00 (PetersburgerStr elevator #10772792)
Apartment Management
The Apartment is professionally managed by Wunderflats+. They should be your first point of contact for non-emergency issues relating to the apartment.